Monday 14 September 2009

Where have you been...?

Well here we are again - just been to see "Julie and Julia" and it has inspired me to continue with this blog!!

Still considering the knitting thing but have been really busy at work recently and finding it difficult to sit down and knit when there's so much to do in the house!!

If anyone can suggest a hobby that only needs a few minutes per day to produce masses of stuff - I know it's asking a lot!! - please feel free to reply!!


Sunday 19 July 2009

Let's get this party started...

OK, so I was just browsing through the web and suddenly came across this Blogger thing. Hey, I thought let's give it a go! So, I've got to this point and now the question is what to put in my blog?

I could tell you about the weather - it's raining periodically but warmish (novel for Scotland!), I could tell you about me (after the first paragraph it would get less interesting and the first paragraph wouldn't be that great either) or I could just ramble on about abstract subjects that come to mind - sounds like that's what I'm doing at the moment anyway so let's go for it!

I have yet to think about a design for my blog but maybe I should just let it evolve (like the blog itself).

I've been thinking a lot recently about an additional money source (I'm sure many people have been doing the same recently!). It's not that I don't have a good job or earn an OK salary but my BH has recently had to give up paid employment due to health problems and it's been hard going living on one salary (thanks are due to Mum & Dad for keeping us going through the very lean periods!!) . Obviously it's going to have to be something I can do outwith normal working hours - a craft of some sort? Writing a book? It would have to be something that I can have full control over - i.e NOT network marketing of any kind - no Betterware, Kleeneze, etc. I tried that before and hated it.

I'll think about it some more and get back to you!!

Thanks for reading